Shape Puzzles Pro

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Shape Puzzles Pro is a variation of irregular jigsaw puzzles with a couple of twists.
1.) You can connect the puzzle pieces only to the central white piece.
2.) You do not see the puzzle image until you finish solving the puzzle.
3.) All the puzzle pieces have unique free form shapes and colors.

Shape Puzzles Pro Screenshot Shape Puzzles Pro Screenshot Shape Puzzles Pro Screenshot


How to play:
Make all the pieces on the board white to discover the hidden image.
Drag a color puzzle piece to fit the shape of the central white piece. If you moved it correctly it will snap to its place and become white.
Every game level has a maximum number of points you can earn. Each second you lose a point.
Each solved puzzle will unlock the next one.


Shape Puzzles Pro is designed as a casual puzzle game for grown ups.
While the first puzzles are very easy, to introduce the game concept, more advanced levels in the game might be too difficult and frustrating for kids.


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Educational fun games